Footwork Fan Drill 

Video 3!

5 minutes of torture 

Video 4!

Injury prevention: Landing Control Exercises 

Video 6

5-10-5 and build-up sprints 

Video 8!

Finger Control and Touch

Coaching points:

– Players to keep the ball above shoulder height.

– Use fingers to control the ball, rather than balancing it on whole hand.

– As players improve, aim to keep the ball on fingers for shorter periods of time.

– Encourage players to be accurate with their ball placement, so their partner can receive and control the ball easily.

Video 10!

Basic Skills: Passing

-Chest pass

-Bounce pass

-Shoulder pass


Most of us have a stronger, dominant part of the body. For netball, it is important to have equal strength in both halves. Do passing exercises to strengthen yourself. That way, you will be able to pass (and catch) the ball more accurately from all angles, whether it is with one hand or two.

You don’t require a partner to practice passing. For experienced players, mark several spots on the wall with tape. Make sure they are of different heights. Stand slightly further away from the wall at different intervals and practice the different types of passes.

The more you practice the better you will become at it.

Video 2!!

Line Balancing.

A quick and simple activity that focuses on a players’ balance, finger strength and ability to make difficult catches.

Coaching points:

– Separate your players into pairs, with one ball between two. The receiver should stand with their balancing leg beside the closest line, trying to avoid overbalancing throughout the drill and needing to put their other foot down or jump over the line.

– The passer should place passes out to the receiver’s balancing side that are challenging to pull in (some passes may be reachable with two hands, while others will require the pass to be caught and pulled in with one hand).

– Ensure players pull the ball back into the middle before passing back, rather than flicking the ball back while their arms are still away from their body.

– Also, ensure the receiver is completely balanced before passing back. If they’re overbalancing, encourage them to attempt to regain their balance before passing, rather than throwing the ball while off-balance.

– Complete around 10 passes before switching legs, and then switch roles.

– ADVANCE by allowing passes to be placed randomly – high, in the middle and low, so that the receiver must balance and control the ball in different ways and positions.

– Again, complete about 10 passes on each leg, per player.

Video 5!

Three and Three Footwork Drill

Video 7!

90-second partner work

Coaching points:

– The worker should always try to catch the ball with two hands, particularly as they begin to fatigue.

– Focus on diagonal drives not becoming flat, particularly as players fatigue.

– High balls should be caught with two hands and brought back to the player’s midsection after landing, before passing back.

Video 9!

Four-Cone Footwork Drill

Coaching points:

– Focus on quick reactions to instructions.

– Lift inside leg when changing directions at cones.

– Run straight lines between cones, avoiding ’rounding out’ and moving outside the square.

– The worker always return to ready position in the middle of the square, leaning slightly forward and up on toes.

Video 11!


Video 12!

Basic Ladder Drills

Coaching points:

– Focus on correct technique and control initially, and progress the speed once players can complete the movements competently.

– Ensure players also pump their arms when they drive their legs and knees.

Video 13!


Coaching points:

– When cutting around the thrower, the worker should turn their body inside. i.e. not just running around them in a semi-circle. They should pivot on their inside leg, bringing their outside shoulder almost across the back of the thrower, before pushing off their other leg once they’ve rotated 180 degrees. With younger players, you may wish to practise this skill first, before beginning the full drill.

– Ensure lobs are placed into the space out in FRONT of the worker, so they can move onto the high ball easily. i.e. if the worker has opened their shoulders to the left, put the pass out to that side of their body, so they can easily track it and pull it in, rather than having to pull in a difficult pass that’s been placed directly over the top of them, or behind them.

– Passers should extend the workers out on the lob, making them sprint to reach it, and the workers should aim to snatch the high ball in with two hands, if possible.

– Work 3-5 repetitions of each progression, before switching roles.

– Encourage younger players to make their passes hard, to improve their passing and the ability of their teammates to catch it.

– For an extra challenge for more advanced players, ask that the players complete each set with no dropped balls and the correct pass. For each dropped ball or incorrect pass, the whole group must complete an extra repetition.