Player Umpire Module 

Netball New Zealand has a 'Learning to Umpire Module' for New Umpires and Player Umpires.  

  • This Module is the first step towards your Centre Umpire Award  

  • This module is COMPULSORY for all Netball South Canterbury Players and Coaches playing in Premier and Premier Plate grades that do not already hold a qualification of Centre Badge or above.  

Each school/club is responsible for collecting their team's completion certificates and sending them to

Please ensure that the certificates are sent in team batches, rather than individually. 

Learning to Umpire Module:  ​​​​​​​

To access the Learning to Umpire Module, click here 

You will need to Login/Sign up and find the ‘Learning to Umpire’ module in 'Search Learning', under the Netball Catalogue.  

Instructions on how to access and navigate the Learning to Umpire Module can be found here